Bill spent the day refurbishing Grandma Barb's pond. There's still a few kinks to work out, but it's looking good. He put a couple scoops of creek sand in the bottom so we have periwinkles "walking" along the bottom of the pond.
Bill also cleaned up his Dad's old Schwinn Tornado bike. It's awesome. The kids (and Bill) are having fun riding it. The basket (his Dad says he would never have had anything so dorky) is not original. Everything else is.
Despite the wet weather, there is corn coming up. Lots of corn. I can hardly wait until August.
Thankful for the return to warmer, sunny weather.
Happy to cross a few "to do" items off the list.
Enjoying sitting outside on the front porch to drink my morning coffee.
Taking walks after dinner with EVERYONE. A little stressful ("Sarah, get off the fence. Jon, don't throw rocks at your brother. Jack, stop trying to run everyone over with your bike.") but well worth it.
Fresh, local strawberries. Plentiful enough to begin thinking about jam making.