Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Favorites

New running shoes.

My running partner. My VERY TIRED running partner.

Post-run pedicure. A most-springish color.

Back in October I turned 40. Ahem. Each year on my birthday, I like to test myself and see if I can still do things that I was able to do when I was younger. It's usually stuff like cartwheels, belching, and singing the chorus to "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." But definitely not limited to those things. This year, I was most anxious to see if I could still run a few miles after a several-year hiatus from regular running. I started the "Couch to 5K" program the first week of October and by mid-December, I completed it, running 3.1 miles in 30 minutes. Yes, I know that's not fast or a long distance, but I was still pleased with reaching my goal.

Since then, I've stopped figuring my distance and focused on time instead. I aim for 3 times per week, 30ish minutes each time. I love how I feel AFTER I'm finished. I don't run with headphones on while listening to music and I prefer to run alone. 30 minutes of solitude and significant physical effort. Just might be my recipe for sanity.

Will I train for a 10K now? Nope. Will I increase my time? Nope. Will I run in a race? Nope. I'll just keep running along with my puppy, enjoying the scenery and feeling a proud sense of accomplishment in my 41st year of life.

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