Thursday, April 5, 2012


On our way.

Waiting for the egg hunt to begin.


Just Bill.

These pictures are from this past weekend at our favorite Easter egg hunt. Despite having to maneuver around other parents who insisted upon participating in the hunt (and stealing the eggs from the littles), we had a nice time. The contents of the eggs pretty much stunk, so most of it ended up in the trash can at home. Our dentist would be relieved to hear that. These are the only pictures, as my camera battery died just before the start of the hunt.

Trying to recover from several nights of a wide-awake toddler and a paranoid 8 year old ("So you CANNOT catch diseases from puppies?" or "I got soap in my mouth while I was taking a shower. Is it poisonous?" or my personal favorite, "I think I touched Sarah's slobber and then accidentally put my fingers in my mouth.") I'm pretty sure there's a full moon out.

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