Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fashion Statement

This is a skirt, circa. 1970ish. It was made entirely by hand by my Grandma. Each yo-yo was formed, stitched, and joined by hand. No machine stitching here at all. The fabrics were, undoubtedly, pulled from her voluminous stash, and must be at least 40 years old. And the darn thing was actually worn! Seriously.

I was gifted this beauty by my Mom's friend during my recent trip home. She borrowed this incredible item from my mother, the lucky original owner, to wear for Christmas many (many, many) years ago. You see, this was evidently a coveted piece of clothing. So fancy that it was carefully tucked away, only to be worn for special holiday parties. Can't you just picture it all in your mind? Long-haired young women with yo-yo skirts, making fondue and appetizers for their Christmas guests. Probably listening to Perry Como singing Christmas carols. Maybe their guests were clad in bell-bottoms. The men sporting leisure suits and sideburns. The polyester would have been plent-i-ful.

I have painstakingly started deconstructing the skirt, as I cannot imagine myself wearing it in its current state. And since I'm hardly 22 anymore, I don't think it would fit anyway. I'm not sure what I'll turn these yo-yos into, but I'm excited to have raw materials that were made by my Grandma to create into something new. I'm pretty sure Grandma would approve.

ETA: There is very little poly. in the yo-yo fabrics. My Grandma must have preferred natural fibers. She was an eco.-visionary.


This is Vader. As in Lord Vader. Or Darth Vader. Though some people in this family insist upon calling him "Anakin." I guess it's all the same in the end.

Look how good he is! Just laying at Sarah's feet, sleeping, while she watches a movie. Don't let it fool you though. He had just finished nipping her arm and she was retreating to the chair where he couldn't reach her anymore. But in this picture, it all looks very idyllic, don't you think?

Vader really is a good puppy. He's remarkably calm and he seems to learn quickly. Just tonight Bill was able to teach him to fetch and return with amazing success. Not perfectly, but pretty good for a puppy. He is sleeping in his crate all night, just going out when Bill gets ready for work in the morning. Then it's back in the crate until I get up. Only 1 potty accident inside since I've been back from Oregon too.

I think he's a great dog for us.