Friday, February 15, 2013


Since insomnia is a frequent visitor at our house, I thought I would share a few things I've learned while   not sleeping.

First, if sleep was like shift work, most people would be working/sleeping the graveyard shift.  Me, I sleep more like a day shift.  When regular people are waking up, I'm just falling asleep.  "Regular people" includes my kids, so I have to get up then too.

Second, BuzzFeed is full of really cute pictures to look at.  So is Baby Animalz.

Third, why don't the letters in the alphabet all say their own names?  Like "A."  It says its own name.  What about "H"?   It says "ay-ch."  Or "W."  It's not even a flippin' double "U."  It's a "V."  "Y."  Its name starts with a "W."  "Q" makes no sense at all.  It's all so confusing.

Fourth, it's hard to be quiet at 3:00 AM when you're trying to find something to eat.  Running the blender or popcorn maker isn't very practical.

Fifth, every house should have a sound-proof room that is filled with the most comfortable bed imaginable.  The temperature should be a perfect 62 degrees.  The sheets should be line-dried.  And then I still wouldn't be able to sleep.

That's probably all for now, but I'm sure I'll think of a few more things to share tonight.