Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day and a Lesson.

It's Mother's Day.  And my house is a mess, the laundry isn't finished, there are dishes in the sink, and I'm sitting on the sofa watching "Naked and Afraid" while surveying the chaos surrounding me.  I should go for a run or at least get things organized for the school/baseball/work obligations that will greet me in the morning. I should even get up and grab my knitting basket and knit a few rows (because only the coolest people knit, don't you know) while watching this bad TV.  

But still I just sit here.

So I have to share an epiphany of sorts I had last month.  One morning while making coffee I was struck with the imperative need to make peace with some unfair judgments I had made in the past.  Funny how time and experience can change one's perspective so easily if you're open to the possibility.  Without going into the details surrounding the situation, I was surprised at how graciously my apologies were accepted and how huge was the relief I felt after reconciling my wrongs.

Which leads me to realize that life is too, too short to harbor anger and judgments.  Rather than judge maybe I need to practice empathy.  Rather than be angry over things that are not in my control maybe I need to just forget about it.  Maybe I should look past the parts I don't necessarily agree with and focus on the parts that are good and valuable instead.

How have I made it this far in my life and not ever accepted this truth?  Seriously.  What the heck is wrong with me?!

So as I sit here on my sofa tonight, unapologetically a lazy ass, I am thankful for this lesson, painful as it might be.  I want to carry this new-found realization with me from now on and only recognize the good in people while ignoring any traits that I don't care for or that really are none of my concern.