Thursday, February 9, 2012

Trying to Get Back in the Groove

Between jet lag, illness, and trying to resume our normal living schedule, I haven't had much time to do anything, much less blog. Well, that's not totally true. I've spent any bits of my free time in awe over at Pinterest. Good gracious, that Pinterest is a time-sucker!

Here's a few images of our week, thus far:

Pretzel dots. Have you had these? Addictive.

2012 has been deemed "The Year of the Cupcake" at our house. We're on the hunt for the ultimate cupcake. This is attempt #1. Not too bad.

Rather pathetic Valentine's Day decorations. The red hearts were recycled from a pad of sticky notes that Sarah got a hold of.

Knitting a present for a friend, due to have her
baby in just a few days.

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