Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Trip

 Waiting for the ferry.

 Feeding seagulls on the ferry.

 Dancing on the street in Williamsburg.

 Considered leaving her here.  Or constructing one similar for our house.

 On "The Night Ferry."

I'm not sure why Jack is standing off to the side so far.  I'm a little bothered by this.

On Saturday we ventured to Williamsburg, via the James River ferry.  This was a combination Sarah's birthday and Mother's Day celebration trip.  Since we went on this same adventure last October for my birthday, Sarah has been enthralled with the "Night Ferryboat."  Every night before bed she asks to go on the Night Ferryboat.  Every.  Single.  Night.  It was also a requirement that we stop at the Hanna Andersson outlet and buy new pajamas to wear on the Night Ferryboat.  Pink and yellow, preferably.  See her new jammies in the picture?  They've got some yellow and pink in them.  Success!

The weather was beautiful.  Sunny, but not too warm.  We enjoyed feeding the seagulls on the ferry deck, though I'm not too certain that the bikers on the back of the boat appreciated it.  Last time we were on the ferry it was cold and windy--not exactly the type of weather for standing outside in.  

We were a little late getting started in the morning so we weren't able to make it in time to eat lunch at the Carrot Tree restaurant (that we love) in Yorktown.  Luckily, there's a Carrot Tree Annex, located in an old motor lodge, just a few miles from the Jamestown Ferry landing.  So we did that instead.  

Since we were in Williamsburg, we had to get Sarah's picture taken in the stocks.  Everyone in our family, as well as anyone who's been to visit us in VA, has had to have their picture taken here as well.  The main street running through historic Williamsburg, Duke of Gloucester St., has all kinds of fun shops to browse through, our favorites being the toy store and the candy store. There are always lots of dogs, musicians, and strange people to enjoy watching.  

We always get lost in Williamsburg/Jamestown/Yorktown.  This time was no exception.  We did, eventually, find a JC Penney's for Madeline to do a little shopping at.  And I bought myself a Mother's Day present at the Dick's Sporting Goods nearby.  I purchased a new running bra.  I know.  Totally exciting.  

The kids were treated to a rare McDonald's dinner (gag) and Bill and I bought sushi at Fresh Market.  And kombucha too.  How come there isn't a Fresh Market where I live?!  I'd be in heaven.  By this time it was getting dark (a necessity for riding on the Night Ferryboat) and we started to head towards home.  Kids were changed into their new jammies, chocolate was ready, and we boarded the Night Ferryboat.  And then Sarah fussed the entire 2 hours it took for us to get home.  The end.

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