Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ugly Apples

Bill keeps bringing home apples.  Ugly, dirty apples that fall from trees.  My fridge had gotten overrun with these apples, so I decided to try crock-pot applesauce.  Ask me tomorrow how it turned out, okay?

 A crock-pot full of apples, a cup of water, a few teaspoons of cinnamon, and a bit of sugar.  Cook until done.  Seems too good to be true.

 A break in the weather for a bike ride.

 Jack-made centerpiece.

What is that I see?!  Could it be the sun?

I'm realizing that it's been several months since I updated.  I'm not sure why it's been so long, except that maybe my non-functioning thyroid has kept me in a state of semi-consciousness for these many months.  It's my excuse for everything that goes wrong these days.  Didn't fold the laundry today?  It's because of my thyroid.  Forgot to weed the garden?  Thyroid.  Can't balance the nation's budget?  It's my thyroid.  Pluto's downgrade from planet status?  That's my thyroid too.  Feel free to borrow this excuse from me for your own purpose if you'd like. 

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