Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Solar Shower

On our path to a more self-sufficient life, we have discovered the solar shower. Now ours isn't anything fancy. In fact, it's just a camper's shower that I bought at (the dreaded) WalMart for $6.88. We fill it with 5 gallons of water in the morning and wait for the sun to warm it up throughout the day. Although this week it's been so hot that we've actually had to add cold water to the bag before we use it because it's been scalding if we don't!

I built a little cedar platform to stand on and Bill attached a post to our deck to hang the bag from. Since our backyard is private and we don't have any neighbors too close by, we haven't added a privacy screen. Yet. The older kids won't take showers in it though.

The little kids, Bill, and I can all shower (not at the same time, obviously) with the 5 gallons of water. Heck, I've even washed my hair and shaved my legs and STILL had water to spare. It's really kind of nice taking a shower outside in the twilight, with fireflies flashing (no pun intended) about me. I do have to hurry to put a nightgown on quickly after I'm finished or the mosquitoes bite rather relentlessly.

Bill and I think we'll save about 30% off our electric bill by showering outside. Will let you know.

Looking down from the deck.

Jack, checking the temperature of the bag. WAY too hot.

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