Monday, June 6, 2011


Also titled, "How My Family Almost Went to Jail." Let's suffice it to say that there MIGHT have been some accidental trespassing and there MIGHT have been a completely unsympathetic caretaker who MIGHT have been a total jerk. Let me ask you this: If you saw a blue minivan with both a Carolina Mudcats AND a "Save Oregon Lighthouses" bumper sticker on its back window, AND that van was full of children, picnic remnants, and a slightly frazzled ALMOST 40 year old Mama, would you assume they were up to no good? Like maybe stealing things like deer stands (you know, those tower things that hunters sit in while waiting to shoot deer) and vandalizing the area? I know we looked mighty suspicious.......

Our lovely picnic area. Before we saw the snake.

My feet. Ready to outrun the snake.

Jon and Sarah finding polliwogs.

Jack and Sarah throwing rocks.

Wouldn't you feel threatened by us?

1 comment:

tamillewellyn said...

You don't look to scary to me! Maybe he had bad eye sight!