Monday, January 13, 2014

The Flu

And what we've done with it this past week.

Jon, then Sarah, then me.  Then Jack.  Now Madeline, though she seems to be getting off easier than the rest of us.  It starts with a day of feeling tired, proceeds into chest congestion, moves on to 24-36 hours of a 102 degree fever with horrible aches and chills, then ends in general malaise, coughing, and cold symptoms.  I've been sicker before, but not in many years.

We spent lots of time watching Netflix.  Too much time, probably.  I think I cruised through 26 episodes of Ugly Betty in 3 days.  I couldn't sleep at night so I just watched TV.  Have you watched that show?  It's funny.  No one seems particularly hungry so cooking (or lack of it) hasn't been an issue.  Fudgesicles, oyster crackers, and toast.  Oh, and lots of tea.

I did have to run to town on Friday morning for a Dr. appt. and to pick up a few groceries.  Don't worry, I only shopped at Winco and I figure after 4 days without the fever I was still probably healthier than most of the people there.  I used my hand sanitizer before I touched the cart (you're welcome) as well as after.

Funny thing:  After seeing all the hype on the news and in the papers about this "deadly flu season" I called our local Dr. and asked if they'd like us to come in and be tested for the flu in order to help with the CDC's tracking of this year's strain.  I was trying to be a good citizen.  I was basically told to toughen up, drink plenty of water, and leave the office alone.  So much for trying to help.

Hopefully we'll be ready to venture out into the world again this week.  The little kids were excited to start swimming lessons last week but had to put it off until now.  If the rain subsides I believe there will be plenty of outside time too.  We're all a bit stir crazy by now.

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