Saturday, February 7, 2015

Let's Do Something Fun Today.

I've been a downer this week.  Deservedly so, but still kind of a killjoy.  Here, let's look at some of the happy things for a while:

 Ultrasonic oil diffuser.  We're using Thieves oil.  And yes, that is a record player. I like my records.

 Bill's glove and a ball from the boys he coached last summer.  I think Bill's favorite saying "Chicks dig scars" originated from Scott Hall.  Correct me if I'm wrong, someone.

 Happy tulips from my dear friend from afar.  Just lovely.

 New knitting project.  Sparkly yarn. 

 New hobby.  I always told Bill that I would learn to spin when I was old and the kids were gone.  I found this wheel earlier this week for a song--I think it was a gift from Bill.

 Nothing says spring quite like primroses.

 Daphne.  My favorite flower ever.

New dishcloth from Trader Joe's.  Why is this making me happy?  Well, when we were visiting Astoria last month I found some funky Swedish dishcloths at an import store.  They're made of cellulose and cotton and they're rather pricey so I only bought one.  I found the same thing at the Trader for about 1/4 of the price.  Score!

What?!  You don't think my pictures seem particularly happy?  Dishcloths and yarn don't make you smile?  Hmmm.  We might need to talk about things.

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