Monday, February 23, 2015

Things I Never Thought I'd Do. Or Need. Or Use.

Anyone who knows me, even just a little bit, knows that I try to live a simple life.  I'm not a shopper.  I'm not much of a consumer at all.  I'm ridiculously frugal (cheap, actually, but frugal sounds better).  I don't like to waste anything.  I'd rather buy things used or I'd rather barter or trade if at all possible.  Or I'd rather just do without.

As I cleaned up the kitchen after dinner this evening I pondered over a few changes I've made the past few weeks.  Some of these changes were made out of exhaustion.  Some were made out of pure laziness.  Some of them just kind of happened.  I seriously doubt that any of them will be permanent, but you just never know.  Want to hear a few?

1.  I have a cellular phone.  I have not carried such a phone for at least 10 years.  And I had never texted a person before last Friday. Now I carry the darn thing with me everywhere.  It's not a simple phone either.  It's an I-phone 6.  I guess when you decide to drink the kool-aid you should just guzzle.

2.  I used to make my own laundry soap.  It was unscented.  Now I use Tide Pods in the Spring Meadow scent.  My clothes smell like a French whore but I kind of like it.

3.  I have a clothes dryer but I've seldom used it in the past 5 years.  I use it for at least half my laundry now.  I even dried my sheets in it last week.  Because I use Tide Pods, there is no static and my laundry is all soft and fluffy.

4.  We normally heat exclusively with wood.  The other day I put 100 gallons of oil in the tank and I turn the furnace on every morning now.  Lazy, yes.  But warm and cozy.

5.  I bought a Sonicare toothbrush.  I actually like it and think it's worth the money.

6.  Bill hated that I refused to buy paper towels.  Or paper napkins.  Now I have a drawer full of paper products and I use them.  There's even some made of Styrofoam.

7.  I normally bake my own bread.  I've only made one loaf in the past month.  It would have been two loaves but the power went out one day and I couldn't use the oven.  Right now I have Franz bread in my breadbox.

8.  I bought Eggo waffles.  Twice.

9.  Sarah ate ice cream for breakfast one morning.  Really.

10.  I shopped for clothes at a store other than Goodwill.  Actually, the fact that I shopped at all is pretty unusual.

I'm not sure whether this list is more amusing or more pathetic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love it! Sometimes we do what we need to do to get through. We realize our kids will survive eating ice cream and franz bread and ego waffles on a styrofoam plate in an oil heated home. Love abides in the shortcuts!!